Is that you? And did you just make 19k from shares..?! Edited by merge: YouTube - Halo: Reach - Noble Map Pack Trailer
Turns out, that while I've somehow avoided my girlfriend for 2 days, she's been in hospital, and is getting 2 operations between now and Tuesday....
And she's telling you you're getting little action.
All my friends only seem capable of drinking bitchpops and ridiculously cheap cider. I usually have to go through the beers or whatever, it's...
Grif, you have my eternal love after that.
Multi team crazy king is the best way. Both me and my friend got it in the same game, and that was on sword base.
Well, that's another 5 of 117 million. Sigh.
I don't really care for Rayman.
YouTube - Immortal Dog
I've had 3 cappuccinos today. I'm high as a kite. *Unrelated* -
Its about some wierd druggy slave trade thing, except it's pretty dark... google it..? Actually, that'd look bad in your history. Edited by...
Has anyone seen the film 'very young girls'? Well, it's more of a documentary... It's pretty ****ed up...
Holy ball sacks. Just finished season 4 of Dexter. That was one HELL of a finale. wow.
I'm just gonna pretend you guys are for some reason excited for me and try to brag on the PPC for you guys. I'm getting a train to London...
S3 E6 It's ****in' A.
Hoping it'll make the October patch. I think it was what they were referring to in the latest update, but it did say arena only. :/
On zealot, there's places you can camp either sides of the lift, which for some reason don't count as outside the map, and the only way zombies...
They've got a little halo reach event as well, I think there's a biggish cash prize, but I presume that it's done in teams of 4, and I don't...
London, go to the site :)