I've definitely considered that, but I'll have to talk to my co-forger about it, too - the obvious difficulty being that there's two of us, and...
I'm not sure if I'm the first to post this, but here goes. Since weapons set to fixed or phased physics are notoriously glitchy, and any attempt...
It means instead of a normal symmetrical map, which would look like this: --- --- | A | B | --- --- | A | B | --- --- Inverse symmetry is:...
I took a run through this map and it's definitely one of the best I've seen. The coliseum windows really go a long way to add to the aesthetics,...
Sorry, buddy, but this is an Invasion map, and was never meant to support any other gametype. Invasion uses a system of respawn zones instead of...
Thanks for your feedback, guys. @FrostPookyEdyE: I'm a huge fan of the fiction, and when I saw a thread ShadowBoy166 posted about an idea to make...
<<TOP-SECRET>> <<EYES ONLY>> <<CODE-WORD-REQUIRED>> ///__SUBJ: Operation: TORPEDO__/// ///TO: Beta SPARTAN-III Company/// <<Commissioned...
This map may be on the simple side, but that's the best thing about it in my opinion. I really like the four-way symmetry. Don't worry, I won't...
[IMG] Stonehenge shares the enigma of the Forerunners - constructed by an ancient people who vanished without a trace. Now, reconstructed on...
1. I suspect that you haven't deleted the initial spawns in the Coliseum, or that you've only placed Initial Spawn Points on your map. Make sure...
Why, thank you. And that is quite a coincidence. The map's name comes from "Ghosts of Onyx", so if anything, blame Eric Nylund :P I didn't...
Hmm...or maybe it's just your profile name that's full of win? :)
The Hill by otaku1103 [IMG] Very aptly named "The Hill", this map, forged by my good friend otaku1103, takes that classic struggle of...
My buddies and I played a round of Slayer on this map a few nights ago. It was all-around fun, to say the least. My biggest suggestion would be...
The problem with 'Basic Editing' is that I don't think you can give objective objects game labels in it. But you're right, it should show...
Spawns are tough to do, but it's pretty easy to tell when spawns are good or bad. Gridlock's a great map at that. The first thing you want to do...
[IMG] "Splash Splash. Bang Bang. 2-8 players." Ever since Reach's launch, there have certainly been more than a handful of remakes of classic...
I did a quick run-through of the map and will certainly do plenty of playtesting later. First off, this is definitely one of the best Reach maps...
This battle was definitely one of the most intense of the Halo books, and I just drew some sketches for an Invasion map that would feature Assault...
Cool your jets, everybody, yeesh. I posted the map because I liked it and had fun playing and forging it. It's not the best map EVAR, no, and...