Thanks, Mace. What is a definite focal? I really am new to this kind of stuff.
this is just what happened with Flag Frenzy. He put up a picture of a wall... pretty much that. Looks cool so far.
[IMG] So. My third real work with GIMP. What dost thou think?
woo, sig rotator
grif, i know you have a rotator. is it free?
I've retired my uncle sam sig and have moved on. RIP Opinions on this sig? also, where can i find a signature rotator that works on here?
ohai dere
nighttime, orange. das when it would be cool
Another aussie joins! Hooray! Which state you in? Feel free to send a FR to me. I am in the Forgehub Welcome Squad so we can help you out around...
Don't worry, some people *cough jex yoyo cough* didn't post here until they were well established members. In soviet russia, you welcome...
Just gonna say, i can't see the difference between a helper or a helpee on the gamertag. Perhaps add FHWS to your motto guys if you are a helper?
Send me an invite this arvo if you are gonna test gyroscope with stockpile
Hey Talisman, seems like you're quite the creative type. If you need anything around here, post here or PM me or any other member of the Welcome...
Hi thar, synth. Welcome to forgehub! Personally, I think that spawnpoints and setting up for gametypes are the most annoying parts of forge now....
Hi doug, welcome to forgehub. If there is anything you want to ask, ask here or PM me or any other member of the Welcome Squad. Aside from that,...
Pit was fun, and the wall was good IMO. The orbital area in anchor 9 doesn't suffer from the same design constraints i.e. the lifts. We got,...
2x2. Done right, these pieces can look so damn smexy.
Grrr. They haven't. It's not R rated. Anyway, can't you enter to get a map in, but not be eligible for the xbox?
Have you tried stockpile, crypto? That supports the movement around the map as well. KotH and stockpile are the way to go for this map.
In regards to where to post a map for testing. Just follow this link: Testers Guild - Forge Hub Then click create new thread. Make sure to...