Yes we will.
Undoubtedly the best Guardian remake in Reach, and I really doubt it'll be topped any time soon. A friend showed it to me a few days ago and I...
Umm, having a custom powerup in the plane that lowers your gravity or makes you really strong for like 10 seconds? You could make a drop pod like...
I was only practicing it on them, so I could get it right for you :3 And gimme a break, good pick up lines are hard to make.
I think about you every day. And when I'm not thinking about you, I think about you some more :3
My thoughts purely. If anyone's noticed, every map in Reach is significantly larger in Reach to accustom sprint, jetpack, so on. You'll even see...
Do I really need to answer that? Because the health system in CoD for crying out loud. Obviously you don't need to 'weaken someone up' before you...
Not sure what your frustrations are with FFA, it's like that in any Shooter. Someone will always come around and steal your kill and get the point...
The only real thing I can complain about is the menu setup. Not the best if you ask me.
Almost exactly.
No tablet used, as for the textures I just used very small images as a 'face' for each planet, like a 200x200 picture of dirt, or water, or...
Some 5 or 6 hours total. And none of the planets are actually using the same texture, the closest moon is using a combination of of the blue...
[IMG] Made from scratch. About 9001 layers. Go.
I do not have one good man, but I don't want to steal it from you. If you have a spare one that you don't use I'll be happy to take it off your...
Thanks for the review. And I really am done forging, but Ace is a good friend and I don't like to see his maps go to waste so I just slapped on...
I'll get a picture of my setup later when I find my phone, as of now check out my guitars. G&L Tribute Invader and a Gretsch. The other ones...
BLAM; twas inspired.
I actually love it. Awesome flow, awesome lighting, good focal. And total uniformity in terms of coloring isn't always the way to go. I think the...
Not a problem, I'll get to it as soon as I can.