That's good... Well describe the features, I know it has a public mine cave, anything else?
Not letting you in as your seriusly new and the one on minecraft forums was another one as i clearly said i took the concept.... this isnt the...
For people wondering the times, IT starts 2 Pm Est and ends 2 Am Est Added after 2 minutes: for the people that couldnt join we tried to fix the...
Everyone try to rejoin in 5 minutes we got updated server files.
Restart, Fixed a problem. Its not back up yet.
We did something to fix many problems, btw take a screeny to show us what happens
We are restarting server to see whats up.
Welcome to ForgeHub I also like B-Ball xbox and girls... and airsofting :D Well, we are glad you introduced yourself instead of rushing in the...
Add ^^^^ -_- Added after 2 minutes: Oh mongoose btw use this and add... /reservelist [operation (add or remove)] [player] Add... you and I to...
/help [Page] - Shows a list of commands. 7 per page. /playerlist - Shows a list of players /reload - Reloads config /listbans <IP or bans> - Gives...
Ya do a quick restart, but how did you add them? through the text or game? Because if you add them ingame then you dont need to restart. Btw is...
Ok people who haven't been whitelisted will soon be in one hour, or if goose already did.
Ok Vince did you read the rules, just need to make sure you did so you know the consequences if misbehaved. I just had to tell you that because...
Mongoose your also allowed to accept them, Because you have the files. Youtube your in. Mongoose just needs to add you to whitelist. Mongoose its...
Since people like to post pics, then I will post some for the opening of Fh Rp. I will show the city and work that people made.
Just realized if you put blocks ontop of ur chest then it blocks it and with protect only u can delete it.
No Love Lost No Love Found :D Baby Come Back
That's ummm...... Insane, but you need to take a break.
Don't Worry I will post daily updates. So far what happened today was I added pictures of the map on the front page, Mongoose is server host now,...
No-Ip? Ok well it is gmt-8 timezone but you can edit time to your liking. I sent you the server files through pm and made you king, you are also...