lololol someone's best work so far is something we threw together half-jokingly in like a day.
countdown looks a lot better than i thought it would, layout-wise. Im really digging it. Kinda like Prisoner meets The Pit. And Boardwalk is dope...
methinks you mean Spartan IIIs :)
Brutes used it when I played firefight art comic-con
So did I.
no, just firefight.
madman says you're not in the queue, can you double check? Also, who sent you the interview?
Ya gotta click join group over at h3itwp in order for them to send up you an interview
yeh i saw it. i have most of those already
VIP was not removed from matchmaking. Only One-Sided VIP was. And personally, I think even that would have worked out fantastic in MM if only they...
major sadface. that was always one of the most customizable gametypes in the game.
they did, but itll be a while before he sees the field. i also think he got hurt already, though im not sure on that.
well yeh, Im sure getting pissed on isnt as bad as getting pooped on... Delhomme went to a SuperBowl in 2003. In other words, completely...
I REALLY hope youre not referring to Jake Dellhome.
no. they answer to that question is definitely no.
Yeh wear it smEli! ...hate that guy. In other news, Ryan Mathews is the real deal. legit. San Diego's offense is gonna be MUCH more...
go ahead and click join for the group, and the process will get started
finally got around to re-writing the letter of recommendation. sorry it took so long lol
next time, delete the content in the OP as well as lock
Overlook is firefight, not multiplayer