Ya, I think you should have the ghosts and mongeese out of the glass but have the gametype make it so that the vehicles are undrivable. Also you...
The only reason I am not pre-ordering it is that I don't have any money right now so I'm gonna blackmail my mom until she gives me the money. LoLz
I personally think that COD has the best matchmaking system. If you quit you don't lose anything because your team usually gets someone else...
I am not going to bother saying what everyone else has said. Also I think tetris on theme A is much better because you can't hide behind blocks...
That's why I want someone else to do it. Besides I cant remember it very good, I just remember that it was awsome. Edit: Also, LESS THAN THREE...
I think that you should make the destination at the end because people could kill themselves and go back to the destination faster than completing...
I agree about the floor, but it would have been better if you actually made at least half the map. Just sayin'.
So, how do people "stumble upon" these glitches? Do they say "I'm going to make one object never respawn and another regularly respawn, make the...
So, no one thinks containment was awesome? And someone should make a reach info thread that shows everything we know about Reach so far, because...
I never thought of that, thanks for the idea.
Your last pic still isn't working.
If you put 8 weapon holders all facing toward the spawn point and put them just the right distance apart, the gravlifts won't fling each other and...
I think this looks like a very good map. The only thing is, why do you have banshees if you have 2 missile pods? The banshies will just get shot...
Holy crap this has been going for more than a year, and I think ^^he^^ is right.
I think this is a minigame map, not a competitive map. All that aside, this looks like a really fun map.
Looks fun, can't download now(no batteries and controllers dead). I have no clue where you would make the link go to, I made my maps link go to my...
I click on links to maps and file shares. I feel that if someone has a map or fileshare linked then: A. It's a really popular map, B. it's a map...
He did interlock.
Someone needs to make a containment remake, that was the best Halo map evar!
Ok so i added territories to my pictures and i'm uploading them right now. Edit: Pics are up.