Sixpak's old house's map is still plagued with "Chat and die".
Dude... Me and Loscocco think you should review this map... pl0x pl0x pl0x! <3
It isn't?
Aah... Collegehumor FTW!
lol wut? <3 anyway.
Here's the way I thought of it when I first heard there was a seven in the release date... Which by the way was months ago... 9.14.10 9-2=7...
Aight. If you could make the graphics, I'll start putting together the post. I'm gonna try to get some action shots with some guys from GoO and...
Head: Rogue Right: Security Left Security Body: Katana I wear my katana proudly because I earned it when H3 only had 1000 Gamerscore. I have a...
Meh. I can't complain.
D: Server down...
You are a trolling god.
I'd be down for a coforge on reach. I'd just need a little bit of your creativity. Btw, recently I've been talking a lot about different gameplay... You likey?
Alright, I played the beta for about an hour. Multiplayer only. I start it up and start poking around the menus to find, to my own dismay, class...
Aah... ****... :P
My wha?
Sort of necro bumping the thread, but I just checked my email from being away for a week and found that I'm in the beta... I have yet to play it...
Fellow Canadian to the Rescue! Grade 9? Hmm... Let's see... Socials - Take out one earphone and occasionally listen to the teacher? Pass Science...
Never come back... I beg of you...
The one that I'm going to isn't big, really. It's just gonna be pretty much a few xboxes with reach on them and a lineup to grab your copy at...