First video, That was pretty interesting got to see a good look of the map, mongoose physics are already revealed in that race video. Second...
That trailer is like any other video game trailer. Introducing new and "cool things" so people online can go "DUDE THEY HAZ RZ CARZ ANNE CAMERZ"...
That was interesting....(nice capture quality btw) usually when i get kills its always a shot in the gut. So usually im like...."damnit i wanted...
Thanks so you happen to know a store that sells gamebridge?
holy ****! If you messed up the jump you had the restart for most of those.... Bravo..Bravo. Do you have a multi-player map montage?
Not really its super hard to jump on anything with supper high gravity it feels like you actually are in a 1000 pound suit.. yes i agree with...
Yeah true..But its the best we got and we will make it work!
Chingchong. im sure you can figure something out,ive seen all your contraptions and your damn good.
im going to have to try this damn me
you cant place scenery such as trees grass and environmental items. IF your talking in game without editing? we just have rocks :/
Your getting there man.. Send me a pm when you finish it in reach so i can download it.
They said they fixed the old method.. But urk has a dinner bet on the community figuring something out.. He knows things man.... we'll figure it out.
Silent one... Remake that map please!!!!! i still play halo ce on my computer all the time and we always play ctf on that map. <333333333333333333333
I wonder what category its going to be in?
I dont really think so... did they release a place limit?
I would prefer being able to file them into categories... i will edit this post after i have read the post you linked me to Edit: thats their...
Same concept? Just get in at the last second. Ive seen it happen 10's of times.
This might be Just a sketchup There will not be enough budget to make such a complex structure
Its similair to all the other vehicles (if you know how) Get it damaged to hell and throw a sticky at it and hijack it at the last second. if all...
Rocket race was a horrible game so i wont miss that... But VIP is there..Somewhere in the shadows.