Well sorry for the absence of this thread for the past couple month or so...it's been quite a busy summer for me so far and I haven't been able to...
Moved to Halo 3 Forge Discussion.
YouTube - Whats Up Whats Up Randy And Andy‎
Lights, I got to the link here, I just don't know where to put in the password or to join it...
I'm just going to be honest, I still need to go see Inception. Okay.
OT> GC> everything else on this site
FACEPALM I also, can't wait for football season to start up lights...even though the Bears' first game isn't till the 14th when we'll be...
In my opinion this would be way much more helpful if it were to be moved to the Halo Reach section and stickied, because every one knows Halo 3...
sup brahs
well that's pretty chill... and it's good to see you online again...hopefully I'll be playing with you sometime in Reach
leaving to go to Sandusky Ohio right now for Cedar Point and Kalahari!
So I finally bought this game and I bought it for $60 lol If anyone has Blur and wants someone to play with send me a friend request, if it's...
hahah your classes that's why man... I took no science, regular history, and I haven't taken any language nor do I plan on taking one senior...
**** I've always wanted to meet my best bro lol Well, have fun at Kings Island...that place also is fun as hell haha
I finally went through and replayed the entire Halo 3 campaign with my bro scobra/bwendon and I was able to get all the meta games and...
****ing clowns Herpa Derp Derp
I thought Junior year was the easiest.... the only thing that was actually hard for me was Algebra 2...but other than that it was easy as...
Hey bud...Randle said you were possibly going to Cedar Point... he told me he was going on Tuesday...I'm going on Monday haha but I'll still be in...
did you ever finish the map I gave you or no?
DAMN....****SHIT one day lol and I've always wanted to meet Camo...he was like my first good bud from FH...besides for Chron... This is still...