bout time
I like the color version, lose the border and lower the saturation.
no no no, just stop
okay then....
lol @ convo
haha, yeah.
Yea, pretty much. I'm not very active anymore, and if I am its posting in the gfx forums.
? Okay....I don't know how that's possible.
[IMG] <3 ImagenSkins
Wait..wait... Your 7?!!!! When I was 7 I didn't know what I computer was lol. Jeez, welcome to the forum.
But it was implemented <3 I don't love it, but I don't hate it. I think it works for a banner though. My only problem is the break of the flow...
Stop by my house if your going to STL Um, my family and I have gone to Orlando/Kissemee twice. They are so close together. But it was a blast, I...
I am <3ing the feeling. Great flow. The scan lines kill it a little though. I understand it was kind of for effects though. nice job
Well, I was going to ask you who the song was by, but the end of the video answered that question for me. This song is definitely going on my...
I think the effects are awesome, I don't know what you people don't like about it..
Haha really! lol and wtf is frag's world haha
Dude, whatever you did with those effects, they are totally awesome. I would recommend creating a tutorial..
Wow, I am glad that the theme is Black and White. I am going through my phase of really liking black and white signatures and its like you picked...
Technically I wasn't because if you read the original post says, "and his crappy MW2 playing" But whatever.. Back on Topic lol @ I can't get up...