@Everyone: If you want to get kills with the DMR, stop treating it like the BR. You can't spam the trigger, and you really need to slow down your...
3 minute bump.
I don't. The BR was far too annoying to be killed by. I can't count the amount of times I wanted to throw my controller against a wall after being...
I think that there are some complaints of reticule opacity with the human weapons. I've noticed that too, but I'm very happy with what they've...
I saw Middle, Right, then Left.
Well Matt, the day is upon us. I'm currently waiting for my Beta to download. Oh, and here's something I thought you might like: [IMG] I am SO...
I'd probably just make an app that allows people to Falcon Punch pictures of people they hate. It would show an animation of Captain Falcon...
Insane, you should take it easy when you're drunk. How many fingers am I holding up?
The iPad is way easier to use when you actually have a physical KEYBOARD. I finally got around to getting a BlueTooth keyboard for it, and it's...
go go go
Add Halo 3's Machine Gun Turret. It's in the most recent ViDoc, if you look closely, but if you're too lazy, I can post a picture.
I love that I've basically filled your profile with visitor messages, lol. Anyway, my true purpose... I've been following this girl on YouTube...
Sorry! I thought it was okay, but I agree that it was inferior to the ODST commercial. I mean, nothing beats that. I thought it was rather bland,...
63 bottles of beer on the wall, 63 bottles of beer, Take one down, pass it around, 62 bottles of beer on the wall.
67 bottles of beer on the wall, 67 bottles of beer... Take one down, pass it around, 66 bottles of beer on the wall.
Aww. Sorry to hear. I love cats: I have three. May he rest in peace.
Not sure. Probably just black pieces of plastic. The picture that the guy showed was taken from that 10 second "leak" clip. Still, he does have...
Lol, remember that picture I posted about some guy pretending to sell iPhone 4Gs on eBay? Well, I posted it again on the B.net forums, and people...
Well, last night (more like early this morning, since I didn't get to sleep until 1 AM-ish) I only got four hours of sleep. Woke up at 5:30 AM to...
The Sarge is lurking.