Truly the denizens of the Hub are in for a shock! A good kind of shock though, like the one you get when you close the car door after a long...
Yes I'm perusing the staff forum as we speak, attempting to find ways to bypass the new laws, I mean study the new laws!...
omgwtfbbqimajourno :D It would appear you knew before I did! :P
A few days ago I was doing a glitched armoury run with some friends and we came across the best Anarchy you can get in the game! Level 61:...
The pre-defined call outs thing sounds interesting... Now here's the real question: Will there be an ability to add call outs to custom maps in...
I just hope that "rolling" isn't like PDZ's rolling *shudders* With the way people complain about stealth kills in AvP multiplayer I wouldn't be...
Smoooooooooooooooooth! I'm always lurking ;)
Well, I dunno for sure. I do know that the mobs are levelled to start off at "Endgame levels", i.e. in Playthrough 1 they start off at lvl36...
This DLC is teh sex. @draco: I believe you can access it as soon as you can use the Fast Travel Network, much like all the other Borderlands...
I corrected myself as soon as I posted. Too slow! I have this thing where I only check my spelling after posting; it's an odd habit. Yes, the...
^.- I think it's because I'm having to wind down after my epic skills yesterday in the Noble Team's Famous Last Words thread. I can't be awesome...
1) -"It's game over man! Game over!" *Credits roll* -------------------------------------------------- 2) -"Can anyone see an Elite?" -"Oh,...
Impressive... Yeah Squad AI can be pretty dense but at least they're not as bad as they were in ME1. Anyhoo, overall, Combat is way more fun...
Yeah it's pretty much a non-traditional super hero film, a bit like "Unbreakable". I don't get where the heck that "time-rift" came from though;...
It is not me you punish, but the rest of the lolbox community...
Being a member of the Hub Pub, I will happily go on record to say that no discussions went on in there regarding Ghost Merging (or any variant...
I'm fairly sure that holding down RT doesn't really do anything. I know it did in the old games, but I don't think it works that way in this game....
The demo grew on me, once I worked out how to do everything. Here's an in-depth report on my experiences and impressions from playing each of the...
As far as I'm aware, there was no conspiracy. It is interesting you note how similar it is to the floating vehicles glitch, yet no one came across...
Well I managed to drag myself away from ME2 long enough to take a quick look at your canvas map and it does indeed appear as though you're able to...