Bleargh. History essay + rough draft of a short story for English due tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Yeah, I was taking guitar, but when I saw the episode where Mio explained to Yui (I believe) why she took bass, I was like, "Huh. I'm like that...
Liking the new avi+profile pic, Matt. Oh, and don't tell anyone... But Mio inspired me to start taking bass lessons.
Hurrah, now I have something else to look forward to in April besides Anime Boston (I live in the area). Now, I'm off to sleep. Oyasuminasai...
K-ON Season 2? *facesplode* Yayz. It was a good series, and I hope that Season 2 will be just as strong as the first.
Alrighty. I'll have them to you in a minute, then.
Hm. I might send you more than one, then. Are you alright with a Mio one as well, regardless of the color scheme?
Curses. I'll have to abandon my ways to be a true Otaku. Oh, and are you a fan of Nagato? I got this wallpaper that I'd show you, but I'm not sure...
Extreme sadfaic. Oh well. Good things come to those who wait, right?
No, it's not that one. This is the one that I bought. I'll be praying for that movie to come soon.
Wait, there's a Haruhi movie? Do want. And I have been watching Anime/reading Manga of late: I went and bought the first volume of Rurouni...
Happy Birthday, methinks.
Lock this, please.
I could sense this becoming another popular gametype. Now, I just need to make a map for it... I can, right?
How will you pull that off, dare I ask?
So, somehow or other, Insane, Shadow, and Shanon got your name changed to Rocheachu, you avatar changed to a Pikachu, and your custom title as...
Oh. Mkay. ... *cue slight awkwardness*
Is that a Pucca avatar I spy?
Rank: 25. Sensitivity: 2, but sometimes 1. Mostly 2.