Musta meant to be ... I got them within 20 mins of going on sale ... And I've got a hotel booked that overlooks the Park where the gig is. Double...
This is the reason I entered the thread. Either way, make sure you save shitloads of money and prepare like a motherbitch. Have fun :D
I also drive a BMW (an 06 one though).
How winly ... i appear to have tickets :D
Deffo ... we should meet up should we get tickets.
On a side note, I love you Shock. You're my hero. And a very well-spoken one at that. Back on the subject, you can easily get a crappy japanese...
haha .. yeah, i've got my registration codes ;)
I love you.
I'm not EMMELLGEE ... but you should make one of me ;) ... a Jonas wildcard.
Favs: Kingdom of Heaven Snatch Monte Carlo or Bust (in america its: Those Daring Young Men and their Jaunty Jalopies) Fight Club Oceans Eleven...
LMAO! Couldn't believe you kept the name Fractal :p then I realised you changed it to Orion. The Orion Lounge is a mega name for a club. You're...
I would be, if I wasn't right.
I dislike how everyone seems to connect everything to Forge. However, I love the designs. Especially the coloured ones. Glad you spent the time...
but thankyou ... i felt it was much more stylish than the bowtie
Honestly ... that is a horrible picture ... bah.
Thats pretty fail. I've got no money at the moment either... what a load. We're STILL renovating the house we bought ... bah, its taking ages.
Renderrrrr please.
Thats pretty mega ... i like.
LP Black Beauty's are horrible. Very muddy sounding guitars.
'Digs' usually represents the place you're staying. Like your house or room... Anyway ... how goes? Did you get Forza 3?