Sounds great. Now the map pack won't be posted for another week or 2 depending on how fast I finish the next 2 maps. I will be posting a preview...
Hey what are the chances that you could do one of those digital Halo drawongs of yours for my upcoming Bonus Round 2? If you'd like I'll show you...
Delayed till June... Maybe march oh and I got a new idea it's on avalanche I don't think we have enough room or ideas on the other map anyway. So...
Entirely wrong. I was the original person who had the idea. I had it back in November. Check it out! There were to many problems with mine so I...
This is a repost all you did was say your also going to post those. Its as good as reposting lock down and a map preview for the other maps.
Alright good deal are yyou making the next part of the Asset map or am I?
Hey I was wondering If I could go solo on the Bonus Round Map Pack 2. I still want to finish the Asset map But could I do BR2 alone?
Hey I still want to finish that asset map I just can't do the grass part so we gotta think of something else. I'll go on possibly later tonite or...
I've tested all three did you work out the gametype bugs? Oh and do I get recognition for rollcall?
I really dont think It would be possible. 2 teams would start off with the same weapons no matter what. I don't know If you used classes It might...
Hey G043R I have to review Auxillary for my reviewer application so would you mind play testing it with me
Maybe Protocol because it introduced Asset. Or Ridgeside.
Hey my review was posted cool. Well you have my opinion. But once again great gameplay maybe I was a little harsh on the asthetics so Ill go 7/10...
If you can recruit 5 people I'll give you the custom title recruiter. If you recruit 10 people I'll make you a moderator and well see how you do there
Well I saw this on the home page and thought Oh great another mansion map. So I clicked it to humor myself and my first thought was... OMFG thats...
Could you have a look at the PM i sent you it's private but id like to start the map tomorrow.
Hey I just got some ms points for Christmas and I was wondering what I should change my gamer tag to. I'd like it to be something people remember...
Hi I believe I've seen you online on a friends friend list. I'm luckiesnipes but I try to be know as my gt Which is mr iPod touch. Seeing as you...
Man are you serious your a 5 star general who joined in september. raped the conflict contest. Won a bunch of stuff and you take none of it. Then...
According to Bungie neither Nox Technicolor or DANJESS99 exists however Bioptic thrower does. Im gonna give you 24 hours to explain yourself.