Uhh, that wasn't a displeased statement. I actually liked your reply, its good to have someone with the balls to tell you straight up. You...
Lol, well thanks for the honest opinion man, aint gonna get better without it! :b
Yeah, kinda went for something different :b And thanks <3
Thanks man <3 Wasn't expecting that since that was the first signature I have made in, oh wow, a month :b
Been a while, haven't been in GnA for a while :/ Oh, btw, I made everything in Photoshop, no DL brushes of any sort. Tag [Spoiler] Stock [spoiler]
haha naww :v why, whatsup?
I concur, you get a lot of pleasure from it. But again, thats all i did in COD4. All my classes are snipers besides my FAL :b
yeah *****, where the**** did you go? <3
1:45 even more amazing. ****ing amazing <3
Wow, amazing gameplay, great editing, quality is mehh. YouTube- cDuBBz88 & MAEL6996 | MW2 Dualtage | The Mastodon
Congrats man!
Hmmm, try "We are scientists" Preferably the songs; This scene is dead, Chick Lit, After Hours, The great escape.
wow. That was really damn good. Not to mention, I love skillet. The clips fit the song perfectly. Simply amazing.
Daft Punk - Alive 2007. Enough said.
God, every time i watch this this video i get chills, puts me in a state of euphoria. Praying for an America Tour soon <3 YouTube- Daft Punk...
Great depth, but border is kinda blehh. RAMIREZ, GET TO WHISKEY HOTEL. TEXAS TEXAS TEXAS!
California pizza
Yeah, MW2. Online Photoshop Tutorials, Tips and News. | Planet Photoshop
yeah brosef. Get on xbox sometime, i finally got one :b
look at the number of social groups ;]