And dump the shotty for a handgun, I personally recommend the M9 FMJ/Silenced/Akimbo. But if you really insist on using a shogun at least the...
I usually only use secondary grenades when I know i'm going into a room with more than one person or a room that I know nothing about.
I only used to use stuns but it seems like whenever I used it people were still able to at least somewhat spray while stunned. Now I use flash...
You don't have to be stealthy if you kill them with stopping power. I never use thermal though mostly because I hate people who use it and...
My class as of right now are either: P90 Silenced M9 FMJ Throwing Knife Marathon Pro Lightweight Pro Steady Aim Pro or M4A1 FMJ Silenced M9 FMJ...
Is it me, or is lightweight pro/marathon pro combo are the best perks? But th need to fix the care package glitch, honestly **** is ridiculous.
I hate lifting. I'm to lazy and don't have any desire to work out on a shedule or even on a regular basis unless its for a sport. I'm not fat mind...
Since tomorrow is my birthday after all I treated my morning with a nice wake and bake. Enjoyed school somewhat and made plans for my birthday....
my new years resolution is to drop out of high school sell crack and get rich or die trying.
Next step is to join in Project Mayhem. You must believe in Tyler. And you must let go. oh right wrong thread sorry
Consume drugs. Defeat life. Find Fountain of Youth. A fairly modest list this year.
Punch every narc in my school in the face. blah blah blah.
Waste of money. :/ Just dl it. Anyway I got myself a fleece coat, Nike flight condors and an iPod touch which I am currently posting from.
Awesome monday. Did well on tests, got some good grades, and then just finished blazing like an hour ago. hell yeahhhhhh.
Nike Flight Condor shoes. and maybe an iTouch later when my parents bring me to the mall. And then I bought myself a about an 1/8th, to the dome....
I just might. ;D
style: big man on ****ing campus hat: purple bowler cap with a white feather shirt: purple pinstripe suit double breasted pants: purple pinstripe...
style: confident/sexy shirt: none pants: none shoes: jordans.