Like Hari, not enough effects and a not well defined focal were the first things that stuck out for me. Your text seems too long.. and i know its...
ah well lol it actually does look like something you would be able to draw though haha.. also, love the glow/smudge. its great.
well executed, but as catmon said, oversharpened. instead of smudging the background, try using the blur tool.. it's much more effective in...
very nice, except one thing, on the new version.. a lens flare would not be behind the planets.. those are an effect that the light creates on the...
jaw drop amazing. i absolutely love it! vectors mixed with scribbled art mixed with a real life background... beautiful. did you draw the two...
pretty intense! i love how crazy it is.. judging by your avatar it fits you :P
would you wanna post a finished product so that i know its worth watching ten minutes? :P thanks well i know you have it in the vid but i mean...
if the sun don't come you get a tan from standing in the english rain. -I am the Walrus but your right
lol now you say that it does look like it EDIT: cooled
like matty said, the yellows really help with depth. i love it personally, but cant help but notice it is slightly blurry.. maybe its just my...
ahaha wasnt sure if yo guys would notice.. i got the real stock as a download from their flash site so i couldnt link to it.. so i just posted one...
Just watched the movie for the second time.. i really like it, my only problem is it wasnt one of those movies that was extremely gratifying the...
oh wow lol... niice.. didnt see that
krazy, i really like how it turned out. sorry guys ive been busy.. a good friend of mine passed away so i wont be too active for a lil while...
oh yeah i know i wasnt changing it because it needed it, i was just thinking about what it would be like if that happened
no comment crypto, never got to play it. anyways, just wanted to make a comment.. i was going through the list of maps looking for maps i could...
AR/BR, YES!! heck yes. those are great improvements. magnum, yes, but needs to be buffed up in damage a little.. the automag is terrible for...
steve your first option is awesome, and also, if this game had a Firefight-like game mode AND forge.... wow. that would be heaven in a disk....
hm that makes sense ladnil.. couldnt you do something with a really short touch-disarm but only if there are no enemies or something? idk i...
oh thanks.. i havent seen it in the pro circuit though is what i mean