Its fine that you bumped the old thread, its not like you bumping it just to say "I'm not working on it any more" after noone had posted for two...
I sort of think of Reach being Halo mixed with a little bit of CoD. There's already a battle going on and you know that you and you little squad...
Nope. Listen to the latest Bungie Podcast. When I say "modified" I don't mean things like video editing. In the Podcast they mention things which...
I agree, you can't start an "expectations" thread and not expect people to post "wishlist" like responses. Especaially when Bungie has answered a...
Can you explain? I've got in to the habit of ghost merging for nearly all objects, even if I just want something floating in the air where the...
Yeah, its old but not as well known as some glitches. It is pretty handy, I've used it before when I've taken my Xbox to a friends house but we...
I remember Distortion made me a bit dizzy during gameplay, it was very confusing. I'd love to see more distorted and twisted maps. Sandbox is...
Perhaps its just because the Prophets, Elites and Brutes all have different cultures? The Brutes being the most different. The Elites and Prophet...
Cool, I just assumed that that was a mushroom cloud from a bomb the Covenant dropped from the Carrier. But of course, that makes no sense. Why...
WHAT??! Someone on the Internet disagrees!?! FLAME HIM!! Serious nao. To me, it seemed like they already had a scifi plot and then they made some...
That's a much better location for the photo! The Guardian ones just didn't look right, everyone had a slightly green hue and the reflections in...
Sorry, edited my post without refreshing the page. does have quite a big help page: : Help / FAQ
You download them from You link your Gamertag with your profile, not your ForgeHub account. edit try bnet help:...
Have you tried YouTube? I sometimes find videos easier to work from for general layouts and then screenshots for details.
I laughed more at this post. I didn't funny the comic, either.
Why expect someone to build it in the first place? So it uses a load of double walls, have you taken a step back and actually looked at what...
Well forge is done in teams anyway, you'd be on pink team, your selected armour colour is blue but in forge you were on pink team. Either that or...
Well the Fileshare is limited to Gold Members so it makes sense that Bungie Pro would be, too.
Well its not a total remake. Heretic is Midship, literally. They basically took Midshp and chose "Save New File As..." They were talking about it...
Let me stop you there, it seems like you're going down the wrong path. The fact that you're looking for a TV within the "2 digit price range"...