I was playing on silver account at my friends =/ Buuuuuut, I'm hopefully getting one tomorrow!
Congrats on the spotlight!
Damn haha
After seeing Prismer by Gunnergrunt and Ell3ment, I was inspired to create a map based on the same style. However I had to make it my own as well,...
O got you.
I'm so sick of this pointless necrobumping. Read the damn post before you revive map from the grave.
Really? Can't wait to see. Do you have any new projects you're working on?
Well deserved man. Congrats.
I say you go with this [IMG]
Yeah me too. I'm kind of hold up a project with me, gunnergrunt and Ell3ment. So I want to get back to forging soon.
Way to necrobump a map from 2008. That's why there is no download link or working pictures. Idiots.
A few more clips: Snipers Overkill choke =(
I sent you a message you never responded too.
Before release, you may want to reconsider the rocket room's style. I think you should create a second entrance, or at least one more than you...
Your power weapons are clutered, one player can gather the fuel rod, sinper and overshield. I suggest moving the fuel rod or sniper to spawn under...
Purple tube of doom 40 second delayed stick Ninja's Ninja Long stick I have a lot better but can't upload them to my share =/
Don't tell him to test in a day. MSG, you should do what you're doing right now and take your time on the map. Test until you feel it's perfect as...
Ridgeside is by Ell3ment and Gunnergrunt
Yes there are quite a few cave/cavern maps. You just have to search for them very well.