So who in the Haloverse has a prosthetic arm? Because if you watch the trailer on Bungie the girl clearly has a fake arm.
I would be willing to do things like map descriptions, or at least help with them. As for Construct, the Shotgun may work. Remember though,...
Well, as fun as it to fly a Banshee around on Construct, it just won't work. The top death barrier is too easy to fly into. I find myself dying...
Meh, still gonna try.
Yes, I'm going with Desolation. As for the Construct article... “In my opinion, players always want to stay high on a map because it simply...
I suppose we could do the swapping thing. As for the power weapons, the Spartan Laser is never really used and the Missile Pod isn't used that...
Desolation is a great name, I'm surprised I didn't think of it -.- As for Construct, I just don't like the way it plays. It's too easy to hold...
Moose Great shot and coloring of the sky
I saw you guys talking about a remixed Epitaph... I know thesilencebroken made one, and it played pretty well compared to the original. It's...
Well the problem with longer ranges is that someone could grab a sniper and run to a base. They be practically uncontested. Plus, IMO, seeing your...
I'm already trying to fix up Isolation, I've somewhat been talking about it with Gopher. Thus far I've moved rockets to the shotgun spawn, removed...
Hmm... I hadn't thought too much about scenery yet. I've just been focusing on moving weapons around so far. I could try some stuff out with radio...
I took out the ghost, I always thought it was way too powerful on that map anyway. I moved the rockets to the shotgun spawn and put an...
No, it's fine. He didn't even send it to me anyways. I hope your map turns out well, I'll be sure to check it out when it's posted.
Well it's far from being finished. I actually started awhile back, but dropped the map because I didn't think there would be too much interest in...
Move the filter, change the spartan's pose, and see what you come up with.
The sharp graininess of it looks great. It almost looks like an actual photo. The sickly green with what looks like a bloodstain makes it look...
What about a laser at the sniper spawn?
Cool stuff, I may try and think of more weapons later on.