If you had read the articles, you'd have seen that he said “This situation is my fault, and it’s obviously embarrassing to my family and me. I’m...
Tiger cancels another meeting with troopers - Golf- nbcsports.msnbc.com http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/30/sports/golf/30woods.html?_r=1&hp Hey,...
I hope you weren't implying that these clips are yours, because the most impressive one is stolen.
Wow, that was stupid as ****. And this sounds like bullshit to me. TMZ should not be trusted as a credible source. Every report from every...
The editing at the beginning is badly off-sync, but the gameplay was good. Also, modded gametype?
You seem pretty immature. Just try to obey the rules and I'm sure you'll have a good time here.
A glitch exclusive to Halo 2 where you could jump in certain spots and "bounce" really high into the air, often to the point where you could hit...
Who says getting out of the map is hard? Isn't it just a superbounce?
That's not at all what you said. Get off your high horse. A 10-second Youtube search shows that the spot has been reached before. Nobody is...
You are so stuck up. I have gotten to that tower in Sierra 117 several times before, as I'm sure many people have. Don't automatically assume...
Practically everyone has modded Halo PC nowadays...I don't get why so many people get so uptight about it.
Please teach me your Halo PC modding skills! I want to learn how to mod!
Besides the fact that you meant "empathy," not "sympathy," that was perhaps one of the most shortsighted comments I've ever read.
In my honest opinion, Christmas is pretty much bullshit. It's lost almost all of its religious connection. People shouldn't be so insistent that...
No, I'm just saying that I didn't realize it's as small as it actually is.
Hmm, I didn't realize T7 was that small a site...oh well. Enjoy your stay here.
****'s sake, I was just providing an example! Point being, if you were to blow up some landmark, you don't have to watch the victims suffer. The...
I meant a building with people inside, bro.
I didn't really like the mission. I appreciate what it does for the plot, but the mission could have easily been less brutal yet just as...
Yeah, what a surprise. You're spamming this forum with new threads as well.