Aaah, Bloc Party. I see what you did there. The blockiness does establish a good focal, but I can't help feeling that nothing's going on in the sig.
---------- that ****...[ /quote] In case you don't get the joke. ----------
The answer to your question lies above.
[IMG] Tekken 6 fever.
Oooh, I love teasers. XD I've had great fun testing this, and breaking it.... *shifty eyes* I have no doubt that the map pack will be a smash hit.
Wow, this map looks very interesting. I'm behind you on this build! The map reminds me of forunner structures, especially the Gondolas on Halo 2....
Looks amazing so far. I've been following this one since you first posted it, and it's only getting better. By the way, which inside parts, if...
Moar liek All Time Blow, mirite? Anyways, the focal isn't the place I would have placed it, but it ctahces you attention very well. Text is...
[IMG] Moar Avec Photoshop. C and/or C?
[IMG] Nothing much to say. May need to smoothen the edges somewhat.
Needs more interlocking. 1/5. -- Zanitor showed me, Menace. I actually enjoyed the ride. I think you utelised Guardian's layout very well,...
So, me and a friend decided to have a drive-through. We found the course was very inventive. Seriously, you've got a good eye for where to take...
[IMG] Fronk's Fury is a racetrack which circles Longshore, containing turns, hills and plenty of evil fish. This is where you begin. You move up...
I'm so stupid I used a calculator. Nice.
I just died a little inside. Anyway, never let Menace forge with the UBG, otherwise this occurs. Leet spawn placements mind.
Me and Menace Tiger are working on a KOTH game which directly implements this idea. Thanks a lot for the great find.
The Angry fronk on the attacker base also changes eyes.
I was about to ask the same quesiton as the guy below. I had a revelation when I was playing your maps. I realised that all of your maps have at...
I played this map with some friends, and it felt very spooky, and very engrossing. It was as if the entire scene had leapt straight out of a...
It took me forever to read it. Definately either change the contrast, or just change the text alltogether. The avatar looks very nice though....