If you want beta testers, send me a pair. =D I would enjoy using them.
Congrats on the Loyals buddy.
Well, that's not really what's wrong here. See, it's overly simple, there isn't much of anything interesting going on here. The colors are nice,...
Thanks! Uh, I'm using a Small Bamboo Fun. It's pretty freaking sweet actually. At first it seems that the actual active area is too small, but...
Took a little more time on this, probably about a half hour. Obviously I'm working on facial structure and well... my shading isn't perfect, but...
Alright, this is the first time I drew in a long time. Simple outline sketching, no detail or shading. Completely done on my new pen tablet. Very...
How long did you practice drawing?
It's the Joker, he just wants to put a smile on your face... =D [img]
Thanks. I'm not sure how well I'll do with wood seeing how pumpkin is easier to carve and cheap. I did although make wooden swords at one time....
It's... it's Batman... Stop looking at the carved out areas and look at the not carved areas... It's an outline of Batman surrounded by clouds......
Reference picture added. [img]
Warning, HUGE IMAGE. Srsly. I also apologize for the blur on the glowing images, my camera doesn't that great pictures while it's dark. Guess I...
[img] Srsly, just the cheap tools from the store. Also, I advise using that tool that looks like a scraper (wide edged tool) to thin the walls...
OMG, just so happens I got a name change too! I think I look thinner with the new name, hbu? Signature seems a tad confusing, but I like the...
It took about 30 minutes for the design, and another hour to carve and clean it up.
Insane, would you do me a favor?
Well, I carved a pumpkin last night, nothing special just some wolves. [img] [img]
Wow! For once in my life I actually like a B&W sig! This one is amazing, its just enough to fill up the area and has enough contrast to understand...
I like them both, but I believe the bottom one has too much topaz used and it's overall too dark. It needs some contrasting colors. The top one...
They better bring back the G36C. Best all around assault weapon ever. Glad to see the original G3 too, that weapon took skill to wield.