I dont like it. I am really used to normal rockband and beatles rockband the notes fall too slow on normal and easy and too fast on any higher...
I liked the first one best. Had a good mixture of reds and blues and it kinda looked like the sea. Went with the theme a little. I thought it...
They are waay to big to be used for a sig. I would recommend going outside the relm or just adding text and go into your filters and experiment...
Agreed with Kninja. Very Bold makes a huge statement. I Love it.
With 8 Mancannons and idk how many gravlifts and weapon holders you MIGHT be able to pull off a circuit style map. Although you would be better...
A dvd recorder and a capture card are basically the same thing. They both take signals from an external source and copy them onto your computer....
I'm not getting the Vidmasters for Recon. I am only getting them so I can finally have 1000/1000 GS on a game for the first time. (At least these...
I really like 4. It looks like the hammer is shooting out a giant fricken beam of light. Looks awesome. and on the other one of the chieftan look...
You Can add the Silver Skull to Firefight though, YOu can set Blind, GBP, Cowbell and IWHBYD to be on. It is the gold ones you cant set.
QFT. But it really is a good game. I do not agree with the OP. The campaign is AMAZINGLY involving compared to most of the other games with a...
I actually agree, I also was up until 4am playing it. Its an amazing game. I think it is totally worth $60. Your getting a NEW campaign (WHICH is...
Your Friends List is full...I tried
You Avatar Is... Stupid
I lol'd. I agree
I reaaaallly like number 4. The contrast of colors is really cool. The spartan is still visible and the overall effect is great. The rest are...
That is how he holds the energy sword. it musta glitched a little to where he was supposed to have it but it stayed sheathed.. Nice pic i lold a...
The Booths and the table are good. But here is my issues.. 1) Bar tables dont have giant slopes on them..your drinks will fall off... 2) The TV...
I didnt get it off youtube. I knew about the old one with the respawn areas and I was messing around on Epitaph and thought i might be able to...
Not sure if it fits...I can make a different one if it doesnt. [IMG]
I know about the other one with the white background but this one is different and only requires the camo and nothing else. You can also get stuff...