Windows 7 is much faster, and less resource heavy, than XP or Vista. I reccomend it highly, and W7 is the only OS so far to really take advantage...
K, added, thank j00. :D
Do you have Skype? I've just realised it's quite useful.
Hari get teh widescreenz!
I see you looking at my page.
Lol. K.
You are indeed.
Why all the naaaaaaaaammmmmmmmeeeeeeee ccccccchhhhhhhaaaaaaaaannnnnngggggggggeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssssssssss?
I don't get you're avatar.
You're in my sig. :D
I love it, it just looks so real and perfectly posed. I'm lost for words I really am. 7/5
p0st 1ttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
I use a mixture of custom Rainmeter skins and CD Art Display
Cool story bro, check your schools lost and found, or just goto a cheap/charity shop, you'd be suprised what you can get there.
Not very good teachers, or they would tell you that you're very smart :P Weclome and I'll sure you'll enjoy it here, I have no creative talent...
I've preordered, hopefully I'll get it a day before release, so I can play it on my college day off :D
My custom 10 Foot hud, it's a rainmeter skin and I edited to my needs.
Cool story bro, welcome, and yes it is a great forum, I'm sure you'll like it here. Remember to read the rules and you'll do just fine. :)
Damn that's a lot of icons, and please do post your ubuntu desktop, I also used to use linux for about a year, I dual boot it on my mac now, but I...