I had a crappy Firefly signature before, so why not have a Souperintendent signature that's better? Mark I [IMG] Mark II [IMG]
Lol, this is kinda funny ^_^ Nice job on the sprite, too. It looks like it's really there!
Hey guys, it could have been worse. Wanna see the one from 2008? [IMG] Oh, and, you're welcome Greatjedi7.
I expected an apartment clicking on this ^_^ I was wrong. This is a very nice map, but maybe a Ghost rather than a warthog. That should make...
OK, here are some different versions if you prefer. Mark II [IMG] Mark III [IMG] Mark IV [IMG]
Note: I have had my Username changed from Firefly to Souperintendent. I will have a new avatar, but to prove so i want to keep it this way for a...
"Roger, Roger, what's your vector, Victor?" Puns aside, this is a great map that looks like lots of fun. Unfortunatley, I can't download maps...
By Gradient do you mean Gardient Flare? Then where do I set Radial, Soft Light, Hard Light, and Opacity? I'm not very used to lighting effects....
Nice job on the screens :) I see where you got your E.V.A. sig ;)
Nice... I don't necessarily like the lines on the top and bottom of the sig.
1. I sharpened the render before I used softglow. 2. I added a light source at the tip of his Wind Waker. I want to show what the original...
OK, I made two versions without so much blur on Link. One with text and one without. [IMG] [IMG]
The text was figity. I tried to do things to make it better, but no way I could find worked. The Render wasn't necessarily bad quality. I made it...
I think this is by Best Signature so far. I spent a while on this one, and it's better than anything I've done in the past. That's not saying a...
Save it to a .png file. Better quality.
Possible try to do some merging and interlocking (for the sake of the forum) so that criticism will be somewhat more positive.
Love the design of it all! When it comes to Slayer maps on Sandbox... I'm just better at Infection. However, those who do manage to make a Slayer...
I'll adopt the Sig with the kitten :3 Reminds me of my fat, 14 Pound cat ^_^ Never mind. I'll stick with my sig. It may not be impressive, but...
I know, because that's my Gamertag. Souperintendent
Really, really nice job. The scope is just amazing. This should've been the Cover-Art for Halo Wars. With the exception of the Halo in the...