looks good from the one pic. cant wait to see this when it comes out
Helmet: Rogue (i know its overused im gonna change soon) Shoulders: Secruity Body: Katana
i love MLG and usually play when im on Halo3. i hate when im playing and the game gets blamed on me when i was doing really good and they make bad...
ok thanks. i was pretty upset when i missed the game and they beat str8 3-0 EDIT: i found the replay if anybody wants any replays you can find...
Is there anyway to see a match from the livestream again? i missed the carbon vs Str8 game (GO CARBON!!!) and i want to see it and was wondering...
i like to use halo sigs cause i can get a screenshot that i took from bungie and render it. so it looks how i want it to and i can get the pose or...
good job on the map. i have played some of it and its pretty hard. ive found out a couple things on accident but ive had alot of fun with it
ive had 4 gt but i plan on sticking with this one for awhile.
looks like a good idea but you would need a mature party to play with. ill take a look at it when it comes out
im pretty sure you get mythic map pack when you buy odst and i think they will be coming out with on the market place too. but i could be wrong...
ok. pm me when your ready to do this and ill give you the full details. o and would you be able to scan it and color it?
im looking for someone who likes to/ is good at drawing or designing things from scratch. me and some of my friends are getting a gamebattles team...
i would like to improve on my sniping. im not horrible with the sniper and at times i am pretty good with it but i want to work on my consistency....
i agree with mikelp. fable 2 was pretty easy with the gold trail and pretty easy fights. i would like to see fable 3 more like the first one. i...
i think its a good idea to have the skulls automatically turn on at a point cause i know it will keep playing firefight till i get as far as i can.
me and everybody i know say ODST
My worst scar is from when i was ten. i was at a family reunion and my cousin brought his dog and tied it up. me and some of my cousins my age...
i've seen alot of these articles some saying there wont be TES V and some saying they wont talk about it and some saying yes. I would love to see...
i would love to see a new TES. I used to play oblivion all the time and still occasinally do.
thanks for posting them they look pretty sick nasty.