Good map men ! First i love the urban style . second good fusion of the objet , th shotgun and sentinel beam spawn for the ruins ! I thimk they...
Help me for my signature plese i dint no how to do !
The last one i think master chief do have love in their eyes , i think its pain he have in the eyes !
How you do th ipod effects ?
Its happen to me in matchmaking ! My mother makes lag my xbox and the warthog doesnt have turrets and the people in my team my bodies say WTF LoL !
LOL you are all death !!!!!!
Wow good paysage picture your a good photographer !
The first one the color are sick !!!
The Monitor Calactic Are amsowone !! Because the monitor looks really in the supernova !
Haha lol just the security head make me laft !!!!
Wow ! That heart my eyes ! Cool illusion but .... ahgrr...... I need to do something with my eyes !
I like the 4 , 8 , 9 and 10 ! 4 because the ODST on the picture are the firts think we see ! 8 for the spirit under the spartan ! 9 and 10 for...
Lol good parody of the picture of the spartan in front of the + ! Lol
Joe these days the box are very importants in your life ! So your box picture or so LoL !!! Great ideas dont stop !
OOOOh ! Cool the spot light at the front of the magnum !
I think you need more effect on your picture we just see you and the avalanche cave . so for your next pics do more effect !
Hi i need someone who know how to merge wall in the floor in Fondry . If you now how just send me message or just saying on the forum ! My...
Cool MLG Remake of fondry , i love the idea of the shield door , you have deleted the door to do the custum power-up spawn and the rockets spawn...
Wowww ! I LOVE the architechture of your map , the multiple of floor , the bridge and i think me and my friends gonna have a lot of fun on that...
You have 2 power weapon on a litle MLG map , that to big remove that and good weapon placement . 4/5 because a rocket and mauler !