For some reason, everytime I select a new color for use with brushes, text, etc., it only shows up gray (Other than black.)? Has this ever...
No. I'm sorry but there really is no point to this thread. The only thing you did was make a speechbubble and type three letters. Plus, the...
The last one looks like cheif's strangling him, not about to make out. Don't F*** With Me is pretty good too.
Yeah, it's good for not having an effect. if you added an effect using this same pose it would be better though.
The end is a little too much like RvB. The whole rookie (Caboose) being a tard and all.
Here's just a rough copy. I'm not done with it yet, I still want to change the text, and do a little touching up, but here's what I've got so far:...
Here it is. I just got it off google images, and since I'm too lazy and tired to go to photobucket, I'm sorry its not embeded.
Well, when I use the quick selection tool on the car, it wont get the headlights and sometimes gets a part of the background, and if I use it on...
Okay, I'll try to get it to you as quick as possible, but I have football practice everday, and school starting soon, so I apoligize in advance if...
Hmm, I'll consider it. No need for the money though, I dont want it. Can you specify the height and width (In pixels)?
I tried that, but the image I'm trying to seperate is a car (A Nissan 370z to be specific) and that won't include the headlights. Anyone know any...
Yeah, but that doosn't delete the the backround of the other image. That way I would have to sit there forever using the eraser, constantly having...
I've been using photoshop (cs3) for a while now, but I'm starting to get into some more advanced work lately. I just want to know the best way to...
No freakin' fair! No freakin' fair!
YouTube - monkey peeing in his own mouth
LOL then the pilot in the fighter jet is like "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"
For those of you who don't know Whitest Kids U'Know is a show on IFC. I personally think theyre friggin' hilarious. YouTube - WKUK Call Of Duty
I ran into a bush when I was younger, now I have a quarter-inch scar on my cheek. Lol. But if you want to hear a better story I'll tell you one...
The chuck norris grenade!!! Discription: Almost like a pokeball, but it explodes and chuck norris comes out and kills everyone! Pros: IT F*CKING...
The new user section is not for posting maps. It's just to introduce yourself. You have to post a map in the Map section. You also just cant say....