Cool, I tried it and it worked flawlessly, very nice, link me when you've posted it.
Yeah, here are the specs: [spoiler]Macbook Pro Specs 15-inch: 2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4GB Memory 250GB hard drive SD card slot Built-in 7-hour...
Also, you only have a 1.8GHz P4 CPU, which is really not that good for gaming, I know, I've had one. A GFX card and RAM will help, but you will...
Oh cool, I can't wait ;) Quite pricey though, comes to like £1100ish, and that's with my sisters boyfriends (works at the Apple Store) 17% discount!
Either NOMN or LOLN :D
Your awesome d00d. :D
I'm getting a MacBook Pro next week, I want a lappy and need to learn more about Mac's for my job. :D What mac do you own?
Your a pretty cool guy. I like you. You meet my standards.
I liked 112, did Black Theroem show you his new carpet merging? It would help your map greatly.
Damn your avatar is sexy.
Did you post your new carpet merging technique yet?
1:28 to 2:00. Troll'd.
Bar of recon is ok, not my sort of picture but quite nice, Bio-Hazard is great, I love the way his armour seems to look very beefed up. As for...
If we still had a rep system, you would get some. That is a great idea and would solve the problem of boosting, if there was any. I mean there is...
Sign me up, I love RR, even though I never was around to see the fulltime playlist, it would be awesome to have it. :D GT: SmokinWaffle
Welcome, glad to see you read the rules, and your from Kent, which is where I live! :D
Eh, I guess it looks cool like an electric bubble but nothing really stands out to me. The only thing that does is that it looks like MC is...
Hehe, don't worry I don't want to add you, I just thought your GT actually was Shishka for a while. Liar. :P
Click your sig. Then you will.
Nice, I tried Windows 7, it was ok, the only one I tried was the BETA and the ATI Catalyst Control Centre wouldn't work, and I just tried the RTM...