Microsoft word is a good program for constructing text based documents.
You guys have weak stomachs. Watched it all the way through. A little fun to watch really, kinda like popping a super-pimple. Though the chicks'...
MASTER EXPLODER. That aside I'm not much of a Van Halen fan so I doubt I'll get it.
As I said, it's a rough trace and this is the initial stage. I'll be smoothening it
This is a rough trace of my dog that I'll be using in my 2nd Major Design Assignment. For the assignment, I'm doing a comic book cover and this is...
Not any more. Thanks.
Yeah. I almost forgot about that. That's disappointing. I've really enjoyed creating characters in GH: Metallica.
Wasn't this was revealed ages ago? Anywho, there are a few songs in there I'd like to play, and some I'd like to sing though overall it's far...
Awesome. I might put it on my File Share.
It's what I do :) Done and done.
No problem. I've also altered the rules a tad. S'all about allowing creativity.
I'll allow it.
It's pretty much ready to test. On the rare occasions I am on, not a lot of others are. I was ready to show it to Chips a while ago but he was...
Cool. I finished a map months and months ago but I never tested or finished the spawns. I'm tempted to just hand it over to someone to finish...
I don't get a lot of opportunities to play but when I do, I normally play Guitar Hero or Scene it. My brother's been on my account a fair bit.
Delightful. It's been months since I actually played Halo.
Biannual is twice a year Biennial is every two years
Thank you for your kind words. I manually vectorised the cards in Flash by tracing over it, from there I could export it at any size I wanted....
I bought the collector's edition for Batman Begins and the Dark Knight on DVD today. $25 each