I'd have to say that I'm impressed with this. I have never seen a template like this. Either a template is infinite budget glitched or guardians...
Umm... strong quote, can YOU do better? True, it's another MLG map. But pretty much everything will always be a map, and you can't change that. We...
Yeah. Cover is part of the bare essentials of BR-ing. I know those rings must stay, but I'm sure you can find room for adding cover. The overpass...
Umm.... that sounds super skilled. I'm honored that you can't figure this out by the screenshots... But in the end, you'll probably have the same...
This map is incredible. Very innovative, it's unique and even though it's budget glitched I'm surprised you could fit all these objects into a...
Wow. I loved this map from Halo 2. It was my favorite H2 map, and now it's on Halo 3! Good times. Remember everyone, how "zombies" was always...
It looks good, but didn't you make a competitive and better version of this map on sandbox? P.S. Why is it in the casual section?
Wow, this type of game is so outdated it's not even funny. No, seriously, it's not funny. And What's up with using Standoff as a forge map? Get...
I've had this idea too. And also I'm not that impressed. A better suited ram would definately be a chopper. The wraith would perhaps be better if...
Yay! In honor of Caboose! I think that this map is neatly forged, but besides that it's lengthened to perfection. The bank turns are fun. Not the...
Wow. I've always thought that Foundry needed to be symmetric. Thanks for pleasing the people's needs. Not only that, but it's MLG. I think that as...
Yup. It looks like you were in a hurry with this map. Besides that, the teleporters have got to go, and besides that, add cover in the blank...
REALLY? This map sucks. Anyone could make something like it. And you could have come up with a more original switch. Also, teleporters just won't...
YOU RAN OUT OF CASH??? THAT IS PATHETIC! This map is incredibly small. Just look at some of the competitive maps and see all the stuff going on...
Hehe... I still don't get it. Could this work on sandbox being that there's no propane tanks on sandbox?
This is neato! It's a pity that you didn't build a more structured map around the locust, because It's just too good of an idea. I love how the...
The problem in Avalanche is the being that if you fall off the edge, you land on ground. What then? Also, Wolfie from the spoiler sounds like a 9...
Try a double wide layout with constantly interlocked walls. Nothing in this is interlocked. It's more like a Quantum as in it looks like it's very...
I'll give you one thing, it's pretty. I'll need to download it before I can give any more criticism.
It's fun, I'll give you that. I'd give the map either a 4/5 or 5/5 as of gameplay. But forgewise I'll give the palm tree a 5/5. IT'S AN EPIC PALM...