hey u suck at life,
how do i get back on the review team,
please as a part of forgehub, dont make ratings like 4.6/6 because you have no scale of rating it on, so please clear that out of your posts, thanks
im not going to say it, but i looked at your pics on bungie, and i'm very impressed for a first post, i suggest a mongoose for better playability...
i do remember a map like that, fred, but this was definitely copied or not thought out correctly, but i do like the fun ness of it. I downloaded...
this is one of the many maps that i like on foundry, the slanted walls and the smooth cleanly placed boxes call for a map like this i would...
one thing i've noticed on this map is the constant line of sight change which is key in a game with close quaters. It keeps people on their boots,...
this map is feature worthy definitely i love the geomerging and the structures which would look like something that came out of a fantasy movie,...
i love the cube as the middle piece, but you should make it look purple, and i also expected the bases to be square hence the name (cubed)...
this map reminds me of one from james bond, but anyways the wood bridges are incredibly used as transports and scenery, i love how you...
good map as far as picking sandbox, but the bases are dull and correct me but did u try to use utah mambo's wooden bridge base idea? I may be...
i remember this map and i had many problems but also many plusses. First off the buildings are key to survival, and should hold more power weapons...
i'm very impressed i expected this to be very dull and lackfull of fun, i tested the map with people and they absolutely loved it we had tons of...
im impressed with all the territories and such, im interested are there vehicles? If this was allowed i htink would add a whole new touch to...
nice map rofl, i'm amazed by the time that was put into this map. i do think the map is incomplete also, but thats just a small misconception, is...
i'm so glad i was introduced to a good conquest map, im thankful to stumbled upon a map like this one. It was genius with the caves with gold...
this map is so incredible, i honest;y have seen nothing like it, i almost cried when i saw it. anyways the geomerges and the interlocking is so...
im starting to like mlg sandbox maps, very impressive job, seems you got a fan club at mlgpro.com to congratulations, i would suggest that the...
tthis map is nothing short of amazing, i have always been a fan of gunnergrunts maps, but this one just blew me out of the water, i love the pics...
for a permenet or temporary either way i am very close