holy **** dude. this is the best one ive seen. do you have a link to the map?
i got my appendix removed and i have a scar like above my right hip.
definitly going to play through the campaign, then probably play on the new maps.
dude this is amazing. i thought it was like photoshoped or something haha
I have heard a lot about this map and i want to know what its going to be. Is it going to be like islands or like a cargo bay near a ocean or...
I know everybody has probably already done this but i want to do it. I tried once but it didnt work out too well. I cant really play on Legendary...
YESSS! this is a perfect idea. not so much on pinning people to walls but latching on to banshees, hornets and other vehicles, YES!
Lightning and Golden are amazing. The other ones are common now. but they are really good. Keep up the good work.
i hate all the trashtalking people who say all the "you're garbage" **** and all the people who have "420" and the "xX" in there names
My name in Fallout is Taylor, and im level 20 (going to dl broken steel to get level cap up), i have 100 sneak and lockpick. I always carry my...
i would like to see the AA wraiths in maps. that would be pretty awesome
wait hes not standing on it? wow i couldve swore he was haha. i like it, very nice
ill gladly help with this. ive read over the guidelines and it seems fun haha. my gamertag is Mr brownstain83.
yessssss. finally! i cannot wait for this. Rock Band is finally upgrading past Guitar Hero. thank you for the news haha
sweeeet. im definitly going for the hardened edidtion. prestiege is too much and i dont really think i need some night visions goggles and a head...
sweeet more pokemon! haha. finally a gold and silver remake! i lost both of mine :/ so now i can get the new and improved versions haha ;) very...
This is exactly whats happening to my xbox right now. i know my waranty is expired so i dont want to send it in. I just bang on the top of the...
I dont know bout you guys but brute chieftan FTW! lol his special is crucial when fully upgraded. But for UNSC i just use Forge
the 2nd looks awesome cool pics
Can somebody please tell me when they are coming out because I really dont want to waste my money on Halo Wars. Once someone tells me the date...