Thanks for the review man. I see what ur talking about.
I made this for my friends' band. [IMG]
Epic fail. jkjk But seriously it needs more... betterness. Try just plastering a picture of Samuel L. Jackson over him.
Chi city? look pretty spiffy except get rid of the left and right borders and make it so that the text isn't cut off by the bottom border. Also...
The other post? That's Master-****ing-jelly's post. Didn't your parents teach you any respect? lol jkjk
Blegh. It looks too monotone and there is way too much negative space. Also, the image looks LQ. Start over plz. kthxbye
This **** is real. The main thing I don't like that much is the vertical bars on the left side. They are too 2d where the rest of the sig seems...
Perhaps. Oi.
good idea
r u ever gonna update sig battle?
God damn you're cool.
God you're two ****ing days late. Good job.
Memes are great and all, but you can't overuse them and you have to diversify. Try some "over 9000s" or maybe some slowpokes. Possibly even...
It amazes me of how the ones accused of being extreme liberals by Rush Limbaugh and other conservative commentators actually are more...
late fail
I had deodorant on... so I didn't have to worry.
I have been beaten. Congratulations.
Who is that person? Does he look good? Is today his birthday? Will there be cake? If so... is that a lie?
o that reminds me u didn't wish meh a happy birthday =( Do u really hate me that much? Cuz if you do, I find that somewhat sexy.
You just do. But don't post about it here. Dave, I would recommend you to try some stocks from for future sigs.