i vote for tartan spartan,it says..."look at me im a BAMF"
way to be polite about it :P
as my memory recalls,it started when squidhands posted a picture of a slowpoke with a afro,and then irontusk changed that to his avatar, soon...
ummm,i would first but my mother and father (him esspesially) an RV,and a good amount of cash,point my finger towards california and say "go"...
didnt see this comin,you havnt been mod for a llllooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnngggggggggggg time.
"I've had this avatar forever, and I don't plan on changing it in the very near future." quoted for irony (or atleast...i thought it was funny)
nevermind, i think i got it.
do you know how to get that thing at the top of tour blog that descibes your blog,like how grifs blog says "grifcast"?
ohi,you probobly dont remember me (or know me) but i was new when you left. welcome back
oh, well i might can get on tomorrow gotta go.
...you didnt come see my map. angryfaic >:(
38 i dont think ive even played 10 games of matchmaking in 2009 yet.
is you on know? cause i just may not be able to get on.
k,i think thats about 1 o'clock PM here.
ok..ill just stay at ma's house then. as for getting online,when can you get online tomaro?
oh,anyways i was just wondering,i want to show you my mapzerz.
'twill be im sure,will you be onliine tonight?
also,i ment to say swam earlier. as for your cap card,i wish for videos of every map i ever plan on releasing.
nothing much,swan earlier,and just sent a new member a PM about spam,waiting a reply since he spamed up a map.
ohi,i herd you like conversations.