I understand your concern about the Rockets, however the map isn't as small as the screenshots seem to make it. I personally feel that the Rockets...
Having played Phobia many, many times, I have to say that the map is very well deserving of getting into the Dubs playlist. Someone said that "It...
Oh yeah, I really liked Zidane over Squall or Cloud. The entire world of IX just felt amazing, I loved the styling as you said. It was incredibly...
That's exactly the same as me really, I felt that IX was a lot more emotional and felt real, in comparison to it's predecessors, at least. I have...
Haha, I absolutely loved the PS1 collection of FF games when I was younger, so HAD to download them. Once FFVIII is downloaded I hope to start on...
Haha, it is indeed the word! I grew tired of a desktop that looked like **** when I had a second monitor plugged in, and the feather actually...
I'm with you on that, I've been having a sleepy week and a half so far. College is over for the Summer! :) Ahh, well thank you! I found it...
Hey there, not bad at all. And yourself?
It's a feather, not a mushroom or a whale, as two people told me >.> [IMG]
I remember that someone mentioned exactly how you do your little bits that look like C4Ds in the past. It's not some big secret.
Well, well.. look who's blue again! And I was just used to the dark purple, damn you.
One by a young African American man, you racist.
Aye, aye. :P
HOUSEWIFE. A song about Boydeh.
No, I actually agree with Sdrak on the majority of those. I don't know if there's some sort of situation between HR and Sdrak, but there's no need...
I'll give it a go, but as Natu is offline I have no idea if he's working on it, and I'd rather not post it suddenly whilst he may have been...
I LOVE ME A BIT OF LOUIS! yay for racial stereotyping, although there is none in this message.
You do it for Hayley Williams and Louis :(
Ohh, the one where you had to stay under a certain budget? I didn't bother - my maps (those that I've finished at least) always have very little...
I agree that there were too many power weapons - Sword and Rocket camping were a big problem in Bomb. I'll need try and get online when it's...