That means alot :D I hope it wins SOTW. Probably not, though. I WILL WIN EVENTUALLY, MARK MY WORDS.
Lone is. [spoiler] Yep.
Lol that's what I got it from.
I tried to make it vintagey. Sorta. Any more CNC? At all?
[IMG] I really have no idea what that means. TO WIKIPEDIA!!! Edit: Seems pretty correct. I believe in personal property and such (right wing),...
Idk I made it a little darker. [IMG]
[IMG] First signature in a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. Lotsa adjustments and stuff...
Spirited Away. One of my favorites. It is also yours. Because who doesn't like this movie?
I motion to ignore any comments that in any way depict Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal as a bad game. And tortured. Because that game was awesome....
That's still a rule?
DON'T LIKE BACON??? Who the **** do you think you are. Bacon is amazing. Bacon is terrific. Bacon will make your head explode with it's awesomeness.
That would totally kill the message I'm trying to give. Thanks for the cnc.
Start drawing on sketch paper. Get a scanner. Other than that, very good work. Sorta looks novice in some of the works, especially the Eragon one...
Pandemonium! vonnegutftw
I guess irony isn't portrayed well on the internet. Continue on your way.
It's supposed to signify how no one is ever met halfway, someone always puts forth more effort. Not a very good message, I suppose.
[img] I hate minimalism.
You don't see the irony in the work. It's not very good irony, anyway.