I already have my pics in the "post you pic" thread.
lol, look at the locked thread that asked about the MS points
Actually i had typed my own response, but then i coppied his and made it look like he stole it.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/general-chat/78679-ms-points-question.html Lock please.
They won't call you, lol. I'm pretty sure that you will get a confirmation screen when you are about to buy the product. After you have purchased...
Psst, do you haz know sarges first name?
I take it sarge is going to make the subforum for porn soon.
I thought so, i just wanted to check for sure.
Are you guys able to make name changes? Mods cant, and the admins are never on.
No i have not, that's why i cant give feedback, and I can only give criticism on my best judgment. If i do get a party going (which wont be until...
I didn't say the whole game was easy, I said if you really tried it wouldn't be as hard as it looked in the video. Its like any other game, you...
You guys are putting on a show for the video. If you really wanted to score you wouldn't pick up the ball and run around in circles on your own...
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Agamer was joking, he said it in the Xbox live party.
the thread
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Hey. flr