[IMG] ...your move
I will not succumb to your filthy whoreish waaaays!
i do kinda, but im takinga small break right now cause my account expired, i think the only one from FH that plays regularly now a days is...
I second that motion How weird, i just saw that episode today O_O'
psh, you think thats bad, shoulda seen me when i got my Warcraft account hacked >:\
Johto sounds like the spanish word Joto which means gay, therefore, i giggle in my head every time i hear Pokemon Johto :P
Ahem, his name was RED, not Ash. that is all. Silver was the best pokemon game ever imo, but **** no im not gonna catch em all, i already caught...
Its about time there was a heavy metal oriented game (not including guitar hero / Rock band) to many rappers get there games published, bout time...
Dun wory guy is gun b k.
..All in due time good sir, all in due time. now if you shall excuse me, i shall be heading to bed preparing for another 4 week absence, i...
i haz alot of stuff to move tomorrow, im still figuring out how the **** ima bring down the big screen tv... otherwise, we would, id even chip in...
why hello thar good sir
Cant, im moving tomorrow, rent was due, i didnt have sufficient pylons.... Happy bday :]
If you can provide me with a pic of what a **** nugget is or looks like, i will love you long time, its ****ing with my head :[
....You want me to high five you as you ***? O_o'
I downloaded the Wow Model Viewer and decided to mess around with it for a while.....then semi naked men came to mind.....while listening to...
Click on my dancing lil picture sig thingy for my account. V
I just had sexy time with the misses and got a cyber high five from chuck as i came...idk if its as epic as titmars thing, but is all i got. P.S....
and if your lucky, Blood fire here will give you lots and lots of free monies :D *remembers that time he got 200g from blood fire for no reason*
Like a baws!