Mmm I would say that when I'm sorrounded by a large crowd that potentially has more power than I do, I usually use blade+armor. But whipfist is...
Maybe it's because I don't play enough MLG, but I honestly don't understand why if you can't talk to 1 person on your team, it'll cost you the...
And why shouldn't he be? Most people(myself included)are too lazy to play ranked games and get their highest skill up, but are actually good at...
The only really hard one IMO is splaser double kill, I have yet to get that one. As for steppin razor, it's mainly about how good you are in...
I recommend you call xbox support, or go here. Xbox Support Home I don't know what your problem is precisely, but I've had a 1 red light before....
Looks okay from the pics, but can the humans hijack vehicles? I see that the hole in the ground isn't covered up, so I recommend that you do that...
Awesome, I'll be on all night then. How does the tournament work? There's more than 16 people, so we have to do it separately. Or does everyone...
Apparently Harold Ryan(Bungie studio head) says that Reach may use natal. I really hope not.. Sources -IGN: Halo: Reach May Use Natal...
Summer break started for me today, and I bought prototype. Goooood monday :D
The achievements should be stacked, because if a couple of them you got gold and the rest platinum, you'd get Pt achievement. Anyways, I've been...
I'm just saying that BECAUSE no one gains points, everyone wins, and it's all just for fun and it's then basically a custom game.
I've gotten an effect like that, it's fairly simple. All you need is to be in campaign, have someone be shooting the turret, and someone in the...
I'm gonna guess you took these on Ghost Town somewhere? And they're pretty good, the first one looks like it should be a sig.
Just bought it with a warranty from EB games, if I think it sucks I can just return it. Well, I guess we'll see how this turns out. :)
That's true, but I think that a game like Help's on the Way Right? Would work, because noone gains any points, and it's fairly obvious what...
Dude. Conquest should be in the hardcore or social playlists. Conquest is fun, but does have a competitive feeling to it. Or at least conquest...
Is it anything like spiderman 2? Most epic game for gamecube. I was thinking of getting this, or at least giving it a rent.
Looks like a lot of fun, doesn't look so hard like a lot of other jump maps, but also not so easy that you can finish first try. I fail at jump...
Me too, but I would like to get the chance to play bungie. I don't mind not getting recon here, it'll just save me the trouble of getting it in...
Well, there's already a double exp for infection, and we don't get any other minigames for MM. Duck hunt would be win, but the points mainly go...