Menacing Light on Blue Explosions Hello and welcome to one of my favorite maps to play Menacing Light on Blue Explosions. This is a very fun...
Wow, great job on the map, i think this actually might take me a while to do... nice double ghost jumps and turret jump. i can tell you know a...
Wow, at first i thought the first pics was the original... Anyways its a great remake although i feel that the person on the left side could be...
Some action pics will be added soon folks so that you can grasp the map further. But still thanks for viewing and enjoy.
Yes, now that you hopefully learned how to embed your pictures, for future reference, make sure you dont just give a link to the picture.
Well fro mthe looks of it your design is great and i love Conquest. Everthing looks very neat and gameplay looks great, along with the aesthetics...
From the looks of it the map looks well that out and well forged. The pictures could be a bit bigger since i cant see them too well... The map...
Hey guys, check out my new map 9Mins till Evac.
9Mins till Evac Hello and welcome to my map 9Mins till Evac. This is a map i decided to make after realizing that not many people have made...
Pretty well made racing map. The forging isnt of best quality although i find that all of the turns and curves are very good. The wood bridge bank...
Well... its very very easy to get outside of the map, which is something i would really fix. The maps forging also isnt that good. I also wouldnt...
Wait isnt this blockout, and did you use this map? I think before modifying a map you should infor mthe creator and ask for permission.
At first it didnt seem very good, but after reading all of this i realized you have a very well thought out fun plaiyng map. The map is great...
Fro the looks of it you have for sure done a great job on making a map based on the teleporter/trampoline idea. Though not alot, the map looks...
Hi, just wanna say if your still copying my symbol... Change it...
Well... I dont really like color effects on maps and lots of this stuff just seems really randomly placed. Another thing... There is no download...
This is a pretty good looking map and the forging is okay but some places look a little messy. Is the center area supposed to look lop-sided and...
Its not the best kind of Tokyo map that i have seen but its still good. The center building i think is the best and the rest really isnt the best....
Dang! I really loved playing Halo with my friends but i really love this one since this one actually looks clean! Im also glad the you added...
Hmm... I thought someone would make a map like this... I have to see your remake of this is pretty good and the forging is well done. Great idea...