Omg, theres like, none in canada, and i cant buy off the net, heres what i found and think are CC's could you help me out a little? Future Shop:...
Do the pinnacle Capture cards come with editing software?
i got a 2 4 1 with a sniper, both headshots.
i tried this it works really good for the save quit floating glitch.
y e a see wut i did thar?
omnom vote there please :D
lol im like 1/3 aaway from your post count already..
Np, its accually a good trailer how did you get the beams and needles? mods?
You should embed it, just paste the link.
I voiced my opinon on the baby thing, i wasjust saying, in MY Oppinion, i think that what he did was ****ed up, and for ME that makes ME think hes...
its hard to believe 800 MSP..
Im a horrible person for accusing a dead person of being a bad person? People accuse Hitler of being a bad person, hes dead?
Thats different, searching pornography wouldnt be a thing that makes someone a bad person. its alot different than what i posted earlier.
on the left, look at the span point, and then look straight, youl go to his head.
Hour late, i think i gave you the wrong time, i already posted it though. and thanks for the link, im downloading it.