I'm back from Rrod. I don't have the ability to record though. My comp is bein stupid... Amercan will take over the recording for now. Is anyone...
Funny, I said the same thing about your gamertag the other day... Don't hate. Appreciate... Hoe >:O
ughh sorry. i must have thrown it away. that was one of the codes my friend sent to me in a message.
i just sent it in like saturday ^^'' soooo in a couple weeks ill be back.
doood...my xbox is still dead as a doorknob. but the good news is, I won a Halo 3 LAN tournament at gamestop last friday. I won a bunch of...
Updated 5/27
Updated 5/25
YouTube - number one gun ? regrets of photographs YouTube - Madina Lake - 'Never Take Us Alive (2009 Music Video)
fricken hilarious... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DCITD6tsbCc watch the ending lol...
Mmmm... i think that I'm gonna have to say no... Another Cameraman isnt really needed
oh yeah im teh best singer evar. Uhh whos recording next time around though?
[IMG] teh poops is right thar
awesome sig... btw can you send me the T7 clips so i can make a video on it?
I told you i wouldnt care if i wasnt in it dude. i just wanted it done.
Agamer93 dropped out. Dont really care so yeahhh...
The infamous amber shows her face huh.. go figureee...
ugh i dunno agamer is being stupid