I heard about a possible new mario they said they heard about it in a japanese magazine.
Well its one of the more intresting blackout maps. There are some random in the way items i would get rid of. Maybe an overview of what you made...
Thheres a game by square enix coming out in 2010 called nier looks good, theres an official site if anyone is intrested.
Aesthetically this mmap is ****ing great but i do not think it would play very well with all the heavy weappons. You might want to put something...
Not enough central cover, also to many heavy vehicles but not guns so there is nothing o neutralize them with. Extremely messy which will make...
I got da 1up
you could set them for instant respawn, and for the game type make it territories and have the area where the "frog: needs to get to is the territory.
supporter sounds like a good idea.
Very true, sad but true we are basically only trying to delay are inevitable extinction. I suppose we could find another planet or live in some...
The envoromen is Humanty's home plants are a source of food for us and the animals we use as food, so the people that burn and cut down forests...
I beat him in KHII
Yea its kinda like the gay rights thing i personally think that people would be more tolerant of homosexuals if they didnt bring so much attention...
You can use Haloscreenshots to
I like it i do agree with eons though. Good band choice to.
Our prisons are overcrowdded, killers could pottentialy escape, a killer didnt give oters a chance why should we give them a chance, eye for an...
i would not have joined a band without knowing ow to play my instrument but i would sugggest very simple just practice your part.
It loads quicker next time you go there.
the center base looks good but the rest is empty and a little to bright for what you have made maybe use an effect to make it darker so its harder...
i like the smashable idea but not evrything is smashable maybe you could make an entirely destructible sequel. It also sounds a bit like cat and...
ive heard aout one i think its called evony or something i dont really play online games that much