A for Effort tho, right?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIm-Q0RYkBw thanks HG Br K1ng for the review and vid. Enjoy.
thanks alot man. im gunna post this embeded
you shouldnt teabag on everykill. its a huuuuge dickmove.
Improved, what did you do to blend it?
make you canvas, 300x100 this time, less room to fill.
looks pretty cool, we should colab and make like, mexico or something, a urban place. how bout it?
bad text color, bad backround, and choose a different font also, it doesnt go good with the render.
beat it with randy jackson fool
no problem
Theyre all pretty good. dont use make lots of ones with skulls, a bit to overrated.
whats that sour grunt gaming or whatever? what do you do in it?
she played halo with me this morning accually.
I was good up until the gradient part came up, i dont fully understand that stuff yet.
ikr, i was like, omg huntarz? *open up the page* omfg, no huntarz sadfaic
its x,y when talking px's not y,x 250x125**
Yeh, 300x100 try that, rly small and easy.
yeah, i think you should, id buy one. put donii were fiend is, not as much splatts, and make the green lines purple, you got my purchase.
Iuno, but it seems pretty cool.