Science is nothing, Facts that we Classify as Science are Facts. Also, his post was stupidly irrelevant and I couldn't figure out even a way to...
1) Yes 2) Yes 3) It's Called Conversion 4) Key word: The Jews have a God, Hindus have God, Muslims have a God, Budhists have no God, Christians...
That was ****ing retarded and I don't care if I get an infraction for that. Nationality is not an Idea or thought. Your analogies are horrible....
How did I contradict myself?.... I said there was no Religion before Modern Thought..... then I said how long Religion has been around.
Humans have been around longer than 30,000 years. Christianity has only been around for 2,000 years also. I don't get what you are trying to prove...
nope -flr-
Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Baptist. Yes if you mean different types of Christianity of being different religions This is the...
Thoughts are not humans either, and that is all the Christian God is... a thought, CREATED BY HUMANS around 2000 years ago.
I ask you all this then, what created God. Didn't we all create the Christian God in our imagination? I mean people did not just appear on this...
Yes, we all should/do understand this now, WHAT WE HAVE IS WORKING SO WHY CHANGE IT? seriously this debate is done.
My mom has a curve for Sprint, and I doubt she 'hacked' it
My younger Brother's first job was in Norway :O from relatives though so yes relatives (especially Grandparents) can be sources of good first jobs.
lol duble post ^ and stop posting in Spanish Yo no comprendo and yes aMoeba there was a double post I saw it :p
Te aivan esiintyä kuin Espanjan kieli on ainoa toinen kielenkäyttö toinen kuin Englannin kieli. You all act like Spanish is the only other...
That is if you want/do work in a tight close-knit community
Go to a store/place, ask for a job... it's simple. Or if it was a large company like McDonalds, Walmart, Bestbuy, ect. you can apply on their...
psst... we can't see that!
But, that is exactly what America is. Most European countries flocked here with immigrants all speaking different languages at first, but England...
You can't show it off unless we can see it, because your not "showing it off" to the rest of us. w/e though idc I was just explaining for him.