hey put your map up for a feature so far I see three recomendations for you to be featured but I think the other two didn't really play on your...
First off the post was eddited, people fix problems pointed out to them, go figure. Second please say why a map deserves a ten out of ten....
Ya you are right I did write quite a bit about how Prometheus played I should have been a little less lazy and wrote out why again. Thanks I'll...
Sorry but I've played on gatekeeper several times today and played on prometheus over 20 five or six were with SoulCrusher please don't be so rash...
I took a stab at making that canon I helped you out with earlier unfortunately I found that to get objects outside the map I had to geomerge them...
Hey Pel I gotta disagree with you on this one.(or go with soulcrusher which ever way you look at it) The layout on gatekeeper is far less...
Uhhh not so big on the shotgun camp thing especialy since it's a hiding spot. If someone has a large lead they could just hide in there till the...
I'm not sure if you got a whole base done already but I'd have to take a look for myself. My Internet conection to the bottom floor of my house...
Well I'm glad to see you have been making improvements to your old map. Your map now hosts a far better structural formation that cuts down on the...
Well I'll take a look. If it's not that far in sure
Umm... EPIC-ER than EPIC Wow this map is incredible you should be proud. Not only does it look and feel smooth it is an incredibly long track....
I wish I could but sadly some workers who were digging up my front yard cut the internet cables off of the main and basement floors in my house....
Edited my post you read it wrong clarified with edit after****
BTW your maps first pic says dust in the blood I assume you meant blood in the dust.
which map would you rather i put up for feature wont do both since they are very similar actually I may later it depends what maps come out but...
Spam reporting now. Done. Edit: moderators can see that you changed it and your fifth grade humor is hilarious. I wouldn't waste time making a...
Yea that sounds good where were you thinking Crypt, bubble, main?
Wow Soul Crusher your willingness to adapt rework, and test, test, test is really blowing me away. You basically took any problems someone might...
Um Im good with almost anything but no racetracks.
redpox28 right and ya be glad to do a map together sometime.